PPGC Range Safety Rules/ IWL Bylaws

Range Safety Rules
All persons entering the PPGC property must sign in at the clubhouse before going to any shooting sites.
When handling firearms, keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction, keep your finger off the trigger, keep your firearm unloaded until ready to shoot, and always know what’s beyond your target.
On duty Law Enforcement, PPGC members, and guests must transport and carry according to applicable Colorado law. Handguns (concealed or open carry) must remain in holsters unless on a hot pistol range firing line.
On the PPGC ranges firearms are considered loaded if:
Actions or cylinders are closed.
Cartridges or empty cases are contained in the chamber, cylinder, or when the magazine is attached.
Black powder firearms that contain propellant, projectile, percussion cap, or powder in the pan of a flintlock.
Eye and ear protection is required for all shooters and is strongly recommended for all observers. Individuals assume all responsibility for any injury that occurs by not wearing appropriate eye and ear protection.
Cold Range:
All firearms are unloaded, actions/cylinders open, pistol magazines removed and all shooters have stepped back from the benches.
Person calling a cold range must check to see if all shooters are ready for a cold range.
You may then call a cold range.
No firearms may be handled while the range is cold. Ammunition and magazines may be handled as long as the firearm is NOT involved.
All shooters may proceed to repair or change targets.
Hot Range:
FIRST check and DOUBLE check to be sure no one is down range.
Remind all shooters to put on eye and ear protection.
You may now call a range hot and at this time firearms may be handled, loaded, and firing may commence.
Firing Line Procedure:
Muzzles shall be pointed downrange at all times, when on the firing line.
Fully automatic weapons are prohibited.
All firearms shall remain pointed downrange while on the shooting benches or in the provided gun racks.
When line is “Hot” firearms, with open action, may be taken in the muzzle up position to or from the firing line.
Under no circumstances will a firearm be discharged if the muzzle is behind anyone on the firing line.
Shots fired shall strike the designated impact area (berm).
No tracer or incendiary ammunition may be fired on PPGC ranges.
Placing targets on range impact areas is prohibited.
Targets must not be capable of deflecting a projectile. Projectiles must be able to easily pass through targets and no glass or easily broken targets may be used. Self healing reactive targets may be used. Note section 10 for rules pertaining to steel targets.
When not in use firearms must be unloaded, magazines out and/or actions open.
Muzzle loading firearms must be positioned upright for cold range, cease fire, cleaning and loading.
Shooting range infrastructure or target holders target frames is prohibited.
If a muzzle loading firearm fails to fire, the muzzle shall remain pointed at the impact area for at least 2 minutes before remedial action is taken and 30 seconds minimum for all other firearms.
Bump firing a firearm or devices that cause or simulate fully automatic firearms are prohibited.
Shooters experiencing chronic misfires hang fires, and squib fires should evaluate their firearms and ammunition.
Semiautomatic strings may be fired on any range at a rate that allows the aiming of each shot. All shots fired must be controlled and strike within the designated impact area.
Reckless gun handling (including but not limited to shooting from the hip), two gun shooting and other forms of shooting with limited control will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
All shooters shall clean up their area when finished shooting.
Cease Fire Procedures:
During the cease fire firearms on the firing line shall not be handled (cold range rules apply)
A safety cease fire may be called at any time, by anyone on the firing line.
During a cease fire all firearms shall be pointed downrange or racked in an upright position with actions open.
All shooters with muzzle loaders or cap and ball revolvers shall discharge their firearm into the impact area before the cease fire can commence.
Steel Targets:
For the purpose of clarification, the term “Steel Targets” shall be defined as follows:
Any hardened steel object that meets specific standards of thickness as defined as of at least AR400/AR500/AR550 (AR=Abrasion Resistance) and that is designed to be used as a point of impact for target shooting.
Steel targets come in many different shapes and sizes depending on the event for which they are designed and are useful for an immediate acoustic and visual feedback.
The highest priority is Safety. Steel targets, while fun and instructive to shoot, MUST be placed in accordance with these Rules and Regulations in a manner that minimizes deflections and ricochets that can endanger the participating shooters or those near them. Shooters using steel targets will observe standard range safety protocols such as appropriate eye and ear protection. It is also recommended that shooters wear hats and long sleeve shirts to protect against ricochets. Armor-piercing, Steel core, penetrator, Russian Silver Tip, Wolf Steel Jacket, XM-855 military green tip ammunition or any ammunition with steel in it of any caliber and 50 BMG may NOT be used when shooting steel. Each shooter is responsible for knowing the type and characteristics of ammo they are using
Members may supply their own steel targets for use on the rifle ranges and back Special Use berms if they comply with the rules and regulations contained in these guidelines. Additionally, members will notify PPGC staff that they will be using steel targets when they sign in.
On Rifle Ranges, personal steel targets must be placed at the back of the berms. Pistol shooters wishing to shoot steel targets will use the back (Special Use) berms.
On the back Special Use berms steel targets must be placed high enough that missed shots, considering shooting position, will impact on the back berms; this may be accomplished by placing targets 3-4 feet above the range floor or at the far end of the range against the impact areas (back berm). Targets MUST be stationary in placement and angled in a slightly downward position so that any deflections will impact the area in front of the target and not a side-to-side or vertical direction. The closer the shooter is to the target, the greater the angle of deflection required. A recommended angle is at least 15 degrees. PPGC Members can use the steel target arrays that are currently present on the Special Use Ranges or provide their own WITH PERMISSION FROM THE PPGC OFFICE. The RSO on duty will be notified of this permission, location, number of participants, and type of activity.
Sanctioned competitions and instructors are allowed to use steel targets. They will make every attempt to ensure that their targets are placed in a manner that does not result in ricochets or rounds being diverted to other berms. If, during any of these competitions or classes, participants receive notice of their rounds impacting other berms, shooters will immediately cease fire, and targets will be reconfigured or repositioned to correct the problem.
Steel targets can be suspended but cannot swivel or turn (i.e., hung on nails, rope, etc.), insuring that there is no possibility of ricochet from plates diverting impacts through a sideways motion. Rotating targets may be used and are subject to the same placement rules as stipulated for all targets in these Rules and Regulations.
RSOs, with approval from the PPGC Board, will have the discretion of approving and ascertaining the acceptability and placement of steel targets. In case of a dispute, the matter will be resolved by consultation with the PPGC Club Manager, whose decision will be final.
Muzzle Loading Procedure:
No smoking within 15ft of anyone shooting with black powder or black powder substitutes.
Prior to loading, shooters using muzzle loading rifles, pistols and cap and ball revolvers shall fire caps on all nipples of percussion firearms or a pan full of powder in a flintlock while pointing the firearm down range. Muzzle loading firearms using granulated propellant shall have the propellant poured into the muzzle from a powder measure, not from a bulk container. Powder containers shall be closed after charging the powder measure. Containers of propellant pellets shall be kept closed when not being used.
Shooters using muzzle loading rifles shall place their rifles upright and in a manor to prevent the rifle from falling during a cease fire or during loading. Hand formed cartridges, propellants and sabots may be loaded at the firing line with the firearm held in the upright position.
Percussion and flintlock firearms shall be pointed down range when a percussion cap is affixed to a nipple or when ignition powder is put into a flintlock pan.
Cleaning of firearms may be done on the firing line with barrels of cartridge firearms pointed downrange and barrels of muzzle loading firearms pointed in the upright position. Firearms being cleaned away from the firing line shall not have live ammunition or components. Note safety boxes have been constructed near the pistol berms for working on pistols without the presence of ammunition.
Shotgun patterning may be performed only on the shotgun patterning range, located east of the bunker trap range.
RSO’s are authorized to relocate the firing points on the firing line of members whose shooting activity causes multiple complaints from adjacent shooters (ie. crossing lines of fire).
RSO’s may stop firing against any target if such firing represents a danger to shooters on the line or our range neighbors. In case of a dispute of any kind the decision of the RSO is final. The RSO’s decision may be appealed to the PPGC manager.
Shall be accompanied by owner, leashed or controlled at all times.
Not allowed on the firing line.
Aggressive pets may be required to be muzzled, crated or asked to be removed.
Alcohol consumption is not permitted in the vicinity of an active range. Alcohol may be consumed only in the clubhouse parking lot, after shooting is completed and firearms have been secured. Alcohol may not be consumed in areas visible from public roads.
PPGC members may bring guests but shall supervise their guests at all times. A PPGC member with guests may occupy only one firing point and have only one person shooting at a time (rifle/pistol). The PPGC member is responsible for upholding all club rules and regulations with their guests.
Sanctioned Matches
During PPGC sanctioned matches the match director controls the designated range.
Some PPGC sanctioned events require a preparation time prior to starting competition. The match director for that event will announce to all shooters that a preparation period will precede the start of the next relay. During this preparation period no one will go forward of the firing line. Unloaded firearms may be uncased and handled in safety bunker.
These rules shall be followed by all persons on PPGC ranges and associated facilities. Range rules may be specifically modified, reduced or expanded only majority vote from the PPGC board.
Range #1 200yd Rifle
The 50, 100, 200 yard target lines are designed for single projectile cartridges fired from a rifle or silhouette/hunting pistol. (shotgun slugs are allowed on this range)
Firearms must be carried cased or in the upright position from the vehicle to the benches or racks on this range.
Offhand shooters shall stand between the front edge of the concrete pad and the rear of the shooting bench with the firearm muzzle at or past the front edge of the pad.
Shooters using other shooting positions shall place the muzzle of their firearm as close as possible to the front edge of the pad.
Under no circumstances will a firearm be discharged if the muzzle is behind anyone on the firing line.
Target frames and holders will be positioned, to ensure bullets strike the impact area.
When using the PPGC target frames the center of the target must be centered in the frame.
Range #2 100yd Rifle
This range is designated for rifle and long range pistol shooting. (shotgun slugs are allowed on this range)
Firearms should be carried cased or in the upright position from the vehicle to the benches or the racks on this range.
Offhand shooters shall stand between the front edge of the concrete pad and the rear of the shooting bench with the muzzle at past the front edge of the pad.
Shooters using other shooting positions shall place the muzzle of their firearm as close as possible to the front edge of the pad.
Under no circumstances will a firearm be discharged if the muzzle is behind anyone on the firing line.
Shooting from prone or “creedmoor” position is allowed.
The permanent bench to the right side of the range is for shooters of disability and so designated.
Long range pistols may be fired on the range if the shooter is able to strike the impact area, regardless of the position of the target at intermediate ranges.
Ranges #3, #4, #5 Pistol
These ranges are designated for the shooting of revolvers, semiautomatic and muzzle loading pistols only, as well as any special shooting events approved by sanctioned by PPGC committee.
Drawing from a strong side holster is permitted.
Anyone seen to be careless or out of control should be stopped immediately. (shoulder, cross draw and small of the back holsters are not permitted)
Pistols configured to shoot shotgun shells may be fired on the pistol ranges.
Firing from a prone or “creedmoor” position is prohibited.
Pistol caliber cartridges only. (ex: 22lr, 22mag, 32acp, 380auto, 38spl, 9mm, 357mag, 40sw, 45acp, 44spl, 44m, 50sw, ect) Muzzle velocities not to exceed 2000 ft/sec.
Ranges #6, #7 Multiuse
These ranges are designated to be used for club sanctioned special events, action shooting, competitions, and training. Note: See club management for requirements to check out these berms.
No solo use of these ranges. There must be one certified range safety officer present during live fire.
Pistols and shotguns may be used under range safety officer supervision.
Rifle use under club management approved events only.
Shotgun Sports, Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays
No slugs may be fired on these ranges.
Only shotguns firing a 2 ¾” shell containing shot size 7 ½, 8, 8 ½ or 9 shot allowed.
No shooting is permitted in front of the 16yd line (trap) station #8 (skeet), or anywhere outside of the shooting cage (sporting clays & 5 stand).
Keep the action open until it is your turn to shoot.
Actions shall be open and unloaded when moving from post to post or anywhere else on the range.
While shooting trap, you many only load ONE (1) shell into the gun at a time.
When a club staff member is in the trap house an orange safety flag/cone will be placed in a visible position.
Firearms used in all shotgun sports shall be fired from the shoulder. Folding stocks must be in the fully extended position.
Shotgun Patterning Range
No shot larger than #4 bird may be fired at the patterning board.
When approaching the patterning range always be aware of the shooting activity on the adjacent range.
Archery Range
All relevant range rules are applicable, by substituting archery terminology.
Only field point or target arrows may be shot at PPGC targets.
Prior to shooting, position an orange flag in a visible location to indicate that the archery range is being used.
Shooters shall designate a common firing line Sky drawing is forbidden.
Please Take Your Time and Familiarize Yourself With Our Range Rules.
Safety is Our Top Priority and Will Ensure You Have a Great Time!
PPGC – IWL Bylaws
The name of this organization shall be the “Pikes Peak Chapter #34 of the Izaak Walton League of America, Inc.”) This organization may be referred to later in these Bylaws as “Pikes Peak Chapter #34 or as “Chapter”.
The Izaak Walton League of America, Inc. may be referred to later in these Bylaws as “National” or “League”.
The name of the Shooting Facility shall be “Pikes Peak Gun Club”.
Care shall be exercised to properly identify our organization in advertisements.
Official Logo will be the bust of Izaak Walton (for chapters) as indicated in the National Articles of Incorporation, Section 2.
The Logo of Pikes Peak Gun Club shall be a picture or representation of the Pikes Peak Mountain. Colors shall be any combination of red, white and blue.
Care shall be exercised to properly portray the Izaak Walton League logo on advertisements. The Pikes Peak logo may be used in addition to the Izaak Walton bust logo if necessary to properly identify location.
To conserve, maintain, protect and restore the natural resources of the United States of America, including particularly but not exclusively, forests, soil, waters, and wildlife;
To promote means and opportunities for the education of the public with respect to such resources and the enjoyment and wholesome utilization thereof;
To safeguard the public health and preserve aquatic life by the prevention and elimination of pollution of the lakes and streams;
To conserve our water resources, to discourage unwise drainage, and to promote measures for the prevention and control of floods;
To restore and transmit to prosperity the Outdoor America of our ancestors;
To encourage the fullest cooperation of all sportsmen with the State Game and Fish Department of Colorado in the proper and wise propagation and statewide distribution of all kinds of game (fish, birds and animals) by the construction and proper supervision of hatcheries and nursery ponds for fish, and game preserves for animals and birds, and to encourage rehabilitation and improvement of streams to better support and reproduce aquatic life;
To cooperate with the legal authorities in upholding and enforcing the game and fish laws of Colorado;
To cooperate with national and local agencies and land owners in the control of predatory animals;
To advocate the distribution from public hatcheries of fish only to lakes and streams which are open to the public;
To advocate the protection and control of beaver, permitting their trapping only when destructive to private and public property and then only under the strict control and supervision of the State Fish and Game Department; and
To work for enactment of legislation towards these ends.
Ways and Means:
Provide shooting sports and opportunities for members and the public as a means to improve shooting opportunities and produce revenue to accomplish the above objectives.
To support and promote Trapshooting, Skeet Shooting, Sporting Clay Shooting, Archery, Rifle and Pistol Shooting throughout the state of Colorado.
Utilize facilities and opportunities to gain membership thereby providing revenue to state and national organizations.
This Chapter shall be a local subdivision of the National Organization known as the Izaak Walton League of America, Inc., and the Constitution and Bylaws of this Chapter shall at all times in principle and purpose be in accordance with the National Bylaws of the Izaak Walton League of America, Inc. In the event of inconsistencies between the Constitution and Bylaws of this Chapter and those of the National Organization, the latter shall control.
The powers of the Pikes Peak Chapter #34 of the Izaak Walton League of America, Inc. (hereafter referred to as the “Chapter”) shall be to perform such acts as may be necessary and proper to carry out the objectives of Chapter #34.
Any person of good character, who complies with admission requirements of the League, shall be eligible for membership in Pikes Peak Chapter #34 of the Izaak Walton League of America, Inc. (the Chapter)
No person shall, on grounds of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, or handicap, be excluded from participation in or be subject to discrimination in any program or activity of the Chapter. What’s more, the chapter shall strive to have the membership of the club reflect the diversity of the community.
Membership Classes:
The various classes of Chapter and National Membership shall be as defined in the National Bylaws: Youth, Student, Individual, and Family are available. The number of votes per membership type shall be as follows:
Youth 0 (under 18 years of age and not part of a family)
Student 1 (18 or over and a FULL TIME STUDENT)
Individual 1 (18 or over)
Family 2 (includes children up to age 17)
Any Youth, Student, Individual or Family Membership may be upgraded to a LIFE Membership upon payment of the appropriate Chapter, State and/or National Life or Life Benefactor dues. The voting privileges of Life members are the same as above.
There is a CHAPTER ONLY membership class available called CORPORATE. This class does not have voting privileges. To become a Corporate Member requires a majority vote of the Board of Directors with the dues and other considerations for such membership established by the Board of Directors as part of their vote.
Membership Requirements:
All members shall subscribe to the twelve (12) Waltonian Laws:
Encouragement of a universal and adequate appreciation of America’s soils, woods, waters and wildlife.
Development of greater opportunities for outdoor recreation as essential in the building of character and physique.
Eradication of pollution from all waters to safeguard the public health and conserve natural resources.
Protection and extension of forests, and reforestation and revegetation of waste and unproductive lands.
Restoration of areas unwisely drained for agricultural purposes, and opposition to indiscriminate drainage without public benefits.
Better protection for wildlife resources, and the establishment of refuges for game, fish and wild birds.
More biological experiment stations to investigate conservation problems and to train workers for the conservation field.
Rehabilitation and restoration of waters to better support and reproduce aquatic life.
Restriction of the sale and interstate shipment of game and game fishes except under license.
Strict enforcement of all conservation laws, respect for the property of others and strenuous opposition to unsportsmanlike practices.
The teaching of nature study and the principles of conservation in all schools, and an intensive campaign to mold public conservation sentiment.
Cooperation with public officials, organizations and individuals in accordance with the objectives of the Izaak Walton League of America, Inc.
The annual membership dues of Pikes Peak Chapter #34 shall be the amount set by the Governing Board.
All members of whatever class whose Pikes Peak Chapter #34 dues are paid and who are in good standing shall be deemed active members.
Only active Pikes Peak Chapter #34 members, as defined in this ARTICLE V, MEMBERSHIP, Paragraph 2, shall be eligible to hold office and to vote at all meetings.
Only active Pikes Peak Chapter #34 members, their families and guests may enjoy full privileges of this organization. Guest privileges to prospective members, at member prices, will be extended a maximum of 2 times. Sponsoring members are responsible for the conduct of their family members and of their invited guests. Non-members are permitted to use the Rifle and Pistol ranges provided they are supervised by a Range Safety Officer, and have read, signed and agreed to the Range Safety Rules. Shotgun ranges are open to members and non-members.
Suspension – The Governing Board shall decide, by a majority vote, the extent of loss of privileges and/or length of time of suspension of a Chapter member for improprieties.
Any member whose connection with this Chapter is severed by resignation, death, expulsion, or otherwise, shall then forfeit all interest in funds and property belonging to this Chapter. This shall not apply to any legal indebtedness owing to such severed member.
There shall be an initiation fee established by the Governing Board. Only one initiation fee shall be required per membership type. If a member (regardless of class) allows their membership to lapse for a year or more then the initiation fee will once again apply.
Annual chapter membership dues shall be payable annually by each member by the end of the current year. The membership secretary shall pro-rate dues payable to the calendar year for the initial year. There shall be a “Grace” period of (30) days from the end of the year in order for the member to pay their annual membership dues. Members shall remain active members during this (30) day “Grace” period. However, if the dues are not paid by the end of such (30) day “Grace” period, then the membership shall be terminated, and the member shall be removed from the active membership rolls. Inactive members may become active by paying all dues in arears. Any former (terminated) members may apply for a new membership after at least one full year has elapsed between the end of the “Grace” period and the beginning of the next calendar year.
In the case of a membership application for a prospective member, the applicant shall pay the annual dues rate (to include the initiation fee) as may be pro-rated at the time of application. If the Governing Board denies the application, then the dues shall be promptly (within 10 days) returned to the applicant.
Governing Board:
The Governing Board shall consist of the Board of Directors and the Executive Officers of Chapter #34 and shall provide the direction, oversight, and supervision as necessary to conduct the Chapter’s business and operations. The Governing Board shall be voting members and provide the direction, emphasis, decision making and oversight consistent with the Governing Bylaws. Members who are not on the Board of Directors or Executive Officers and are attending open board meetings shall not have nor exercise a vote but may partake in discussions.
On the basis of sound governance, and because of IRS rules governing “self dealing” or “private inurement”, Chapter Officers and Directors may not be paid employees of the Chapter, paid consultants or receive any monetary gain from the Chapter. In the event of a potential financial interest adjacent to the Chapter, the board member shall disclose such financial interest for appropriate review of the board. In all cases, when a board member has a financial interest, such board member shall refrain from voting and recuse for any board action.
The Governing board shall provide ultimate oversight and governance for the Chapter. This shall include appropriate financial oversight and controls, as well as setting the overall strategy and direction for the Club. Further, the board shall be responsible for additional governance and duties as spelled out in these bylaws.
The Governing board shall be responsible for hiring a General Manager appropriate for the management and operation of the Chapter. The General Manager shall be responsible for the day-to-day management and operation of the Chapter. The Governing Board and designated Executive Officers shall be responsible for the oversight, accountability and performance of the General Manager.
Each Governing Board Member shall attend all Board Meetings (regular or special). In the event an individual cannot attend a Board Meeting, for whatever reason, it is the responsibility of that individual to inform the President or Secretary prior to the meeting if at all possible. In the event a director misses two (2) consecutive meetings without notification or excuse, it shall be the duty of the Governing Board to take whatever disciplinary action is deemed appropriate. In the event a Governing Board member misses three (3) consecutive meetings without notification or excuse, that Governing Board member shall be immediately removed from office by the President and replacement procedures initiated. The President shall notify the offending Governing Board member of his/her removal and include a copy of the notification in the formal minutes of the following board meeting.
Any Governing Board member of the Chapter may be removed from office by a majority vote of two-thirds 2/3 of the Governing Board. This action may be performed at a special meeting or at a regular meeting of the Governing Board.
Members of the Governing Board shall volunteer and assume responsibility for various Committees of the Chapter. Members of the Governing Board shall assume chair leadership of committees by either volunteering or appointment by the President prior to the regular Board meeting in September or as needed. Committee Chairs may ask the President to appoint a sub-committee chairman or assistant to help administer their responsibilities. Members should consider these positions carefully when seeking or accepting nomination to Board of Director positions. The need for these chairs shall be determined by the incoming President and divided between the Governing Board members.
The Standing Committees of the Governing Board shall include:
Conservation/Environmental Programs
Budget and Finance
Sporting Clays / 5-stand
Rifle / Pistol
Membership Recruitment
Fund Raising
Other special projects that may arise
It shall be the duty of the President to act as chairman or appoint the Vice President as temporary chairman of all committees until a permanent chairman is appointed. Unless otherwise directed by the President, the Treasurer shall serve as the chair of the Budget and Finance committee and the Vice President shall serve as chair of the Personnel committee, and the Membership Secretary shall serve as chair of the Membership Recruitment committee. The duties of committee chairman are detailed in Section 6 of this ARTICLE.
The Governing Board must approve any disbursements, other than normal operating expenses as approved in the budget, for any expense exceeding $500.
The Governing Board may from time to time adopt and publish rules and regulations consistent with the National Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Chapter for the operation of the Chapter properties.
Board of Directors:
There shall be nine (9) directors whose term of office shall be for three (3) years, one-third (1/3) expiring each year.
The retiring President plus the retiring Vice President will automatically become the 10th and 11th voting members of the Board of Directors for a term of one (1) year.
Executive Officers:
There shall be a minimum of five (5) Executive Officers of the Chapter as indicated below and other officers as may be deemed advisable by the President and approved by the Governing Board.
Vice President
Membership Secretary
The Executive Officers of the Chapter shall be elected for a term of one (2) years, or, until their successors are duly elected. No President may serve for more than two (2) consecutive terms. Other Executive Officers are limited to three (3) consecutive terms.
For the 2023 Board Elections ONLY:
To assure continuity and consistency in leadership and Board administration,
The President, Treasurer and Membership Secretary will be elected for 2-year terms, as stated in the current By-Laws. (The President can only serve two consecutive terms)
The Vice-President and Secretary will be elected for one-year terms for 2023 ONLY, after which time they will be elected for two-year terms.
All other provisions of the By-Laws regarding this election process will remain the same.
Beginning with the 2024 Elections all elections for vacant Executive Board positions will consist of the staggered 2-year terms (as stated in this revision of the By-Laws), or, until their successors are duly elected
Executive Officers are voting members of the Governing Board with the exception of the President, who may only vote to break a tie vote of the Governing Board.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The President shall be the Chairman of the Board of the Chapter and have duties normally assigned to that office, together with such additional duties as may be specified from time to time by the Governing Board.
The President shall be the primary point of coordination, oversight, and accountability for the General Manager. The President shall work closely with the General Manager to successfully address any issues that shall arise between the General Manager, the operation of the Chapter, and the oversight and support of the Governing Board.
The President shall also act as the official “Spokesperson” for the Chapter and attend State meetings/conventions and National Conventions, if possible.
The President shall preside over and direct the Executive Officers in the execution of the Governing Board’s directions and have ultimate responsibility for all functions of the Chapter.
The President shall recommend to the Governing Board the removal of any subordinate officer when that officer becomes inactive, fails to perform his/her assigned duties, or his/her actions or behavior are inconsistent with Chapter desires and warrant such recommendation. The President shall be responsible for the performance of all committees formed by the Governing Board.
The President will report on the activities of committees in the event the actual chairman is not in attendance at any Governing Board meeting. It is therefore necessary for the President to be an “ex-officio” member of all committees: however, attendance at all of the various meetings is not mandatory.
The President will have signatory authority for all Chapter correspondence and disbursements. The President may delegate signatory authority.
Vice President:
The Vice President shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President and shall preside at all meetings which the President is unable to attend.
The Vice President shall temporarily preside over all aspects of the Chapter should the President’s position be vacant (for whatever reason) until such time as the President is replaced.
The Vice President shall attend all Governing Board meetings.
The Vice President shall give oversight of all personnel matters of the Chapter, chairing the standing Personnel committee of the Chapter. As such, the Vice-President shall work with the General Manager on any personnel issues. -
The Secretary shall keep the written records of the Chapter. These records shall include, but are not limited to, minute’s at ALL formal meetings of the Chapter, a record of board policies, attendance records, correspondence, licenses, and permits held by the Chapter.
The Secretary shall attend all Governing Board meetings taking and publishing formal minutes.
The Secretary shall maintain and update the official set of Constitutional Bylaws and attachments as well as revisions to fees and charges, budget procedures, and other Governing Board decisions requiring future reference.
The Secretary shall review the attendance records, and the inactive status of any Governing Board member shall be reported to the President.
The Secretary will maintain an official Action Items List of assignments/commitments that were agreed to at the Board meeting. This list will define the action, who it is assigned to and a commitment date for the actions completion.
Membership Secretary:
The Membership Secretary shall provide oversight to the collection membership dues, insure dues are transferred to the treasurer, insure mailing of membership cards, and submit appropriate paperwork to National.
The Membership Secretary shall check for incoming correspondence and maintain close coordination with the Manager or Assistant Manager to ensure timely collections and reporting. -
The Treasurer shall insure the proper oversight and administration of all the financial affairs of the Chapter. The Treasurer shall be the primary point of coordination, oversight, and accountability for any of the employees or contractors providing bookkeeping, accounting, tax, or management of the finances of the Chapter. The Treasurer shall make recommendations to the Governing Board for the employment of appropriate staff.
The Treasurer shall provide financial reports to be included in the monthly Treasurer’s Report to the Governing Board. Treasure reports shall be provided electronically to board members at least one week prior to board meeting to allow sufficient time for review.
The Treasurer shall ensure that bank deposits are made and whenever possible have two (2) or more people count cash receipts for all activities. If the Treasurer is not present, the manager will ensure two people verify the cash receipts.
The Treasurer shall chair the Finance and Budget committee of the Chapter. The Finance and Budget committee will provide additional oversight and expertise for the optimal financial management of the Chapter. And the Financial and Budget committee shall be responsible to create and submit an annual budget to the Governing Board for approval.
The Treasurer shall insure reconciliation of all Chapter accounts with bank statements.
The Treasurer shall submit an Annual Financial Report Draft at the September Governing Board meeting for approval. Preparation of this Annual Financial Report Proposal shall be the result of a joint effort of the incoming and outgoing Treasurers. Upon his/her retirement from office, the Treasurer shall turn over to the new officer all funds and records of the Chapter in his/her possession.
The Treasurer shall make or have made tax returns or other financial reports as may be required from time to time. The Treasurer shall provide a courtesy copy of the annual FINANCIAL AND RECORD KEEPING REVIEW and tax return to National.
The Treasurer shall attend all Governing Board meetings and be prepared at all meetings to give a full or partial Treasurer’s Report.
The Treasurer shall maintain the budget procedures, which guide the Governing Board in establishing a formal budget for the fiscal year.
The Treasurer shall determine ways and means of performing internal controls, checks and balances, so as to prevent improprieties and loss of funds. This shall be in accordance with accounting accepted practices. Deficiencies will be reported to the Governing Board.
Nominations, Elections and Vacancies:
A “Nominating Committee” will be appointed by the President in sufficient time to perform their responsibilities (no later than June 1st) and shall consist of two (2) Governing Board members and two (2) active members.
The Governing Board shall provide direction and objectives to the Nominating committee as it seeks an optimal slate of nominees.
The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of nominees for the Governing Board prior to the vote at the Annual August Election Meeting. Nominations may be submitted to the Nomination Committee by any member in good standing, subject to the approval of the person being nominated. Such nominations shall be included on the slate of nominees. Nominations must be submitted one week prior to the election. Nominations shall not be accepted from the floor on the day of the election.
The chair of the Nominating Committee shall not be running for an Executive Officer position.
Once a slate has been set forth, the Nominating Committee shall refrain from taking action to influence the outcome of the election and shall remain neutral.
The Nomination Committee shall circulate brief biographies of those nominated to stand for the election.
Officers and directors shall be elected by a majority secret vote of the active members with votes being tallied at the August meeting. Membership status shall be verified as ballots are distributed. No new memberships or renewals shall be processed the day of the election.
All officers and directors shall be sworn into office at the August Governing Board Meeting immediately after their election. Their terms shall commence at the September Governing Board Meeting.
If any vacancy occurs among the Governing Board positions during the year, for any reason, the Governing Board shall elect from the membership a successor who shall hold that office for the remainder of the term.
Committee Chairs:
The President shall provide Committee Chairs information on their duties, responsibilities, authority, limitations and reporting requirements.
Individuals accepting committee chair responsibilities shall perform at the direction of the President and endeavor to perform their tasks with the best interests of the Chapter in mind.
Committee Chairs preparing written materials such as notices, procedures, safety rules, advertisements, etc. shall provide copies to the Secretary for official file and future use. Written materials containing policy must have Governing Board approval.
First order of business shall be to prepare a budget plan and resource requirements for the committee, if resources are required, and present it to the President.
Committee Chairs shall prepare a plan of action and time-line schedule, as required, for approval by the President prior to commencement of action.
Difficulties in carrying out Committee Chair duties will be reported timely to the President.
A General Membership meeting shall be held at least once per year at a regularly scheduled and announced date. This meeting will serve as: the Annual Meeting of the Club; the meeting for Board elections; and may be followed by a Governing Board meetings. The date, time and place the Annual General Membership meeting as designated by the President or by vote of the Governing Board. Ordinarily, this will be the regularly scheduled time for the August Board meeting.
In addition, the Governing Board shall hold meetings on at least an every other month basis as a regularly scheduled and announced time. The President may elect to hold meetings on a monthly basis. And the President may elect to hold Executive Officer meetings between Governing Board meetings.
Members are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate in all general board meetings.
Special Board Meetings:
The President may call Special meetings by notifying Governing Board members. Notification may be accomplished via telephone, U.S. Mail, or Internet e-mail indicating time, place and purpose of the Special meeting. Meetings of the President and subordinate Executive Officers are not regulated.
The Governing Board may take official action when a quorum of nine (9) Governing Board members is assembled. Regular scheduled meetings not held due to unforeseen circumstances or holidays will normally be held one week later.
The Governing Board requires a quorum and majority vote to pass a motion. This may take place as an e-mail, text or teleconference if necessary as long as it is documented in the minutes.
The Secretary will provide copies of the meeting minutes to Governing Board members for review and comment as soon as the notes can be made available.
Governing Board meetings will remain orderly and business-like. The President, or Vice President in the absence of the President, using the sample agenda attached (as Exhibit 2), will preside over the Meeting. The President will ensure that old business items or tabled items are carried over to the next agenda and are assigned proper priority. Individuals wishing to add an item to the agenda must provide that information to the President prior to the start of the meeting. Additional items may be addressed as time permits or if decided by a majority of the Governing Board.
Special Chapter Membership Meetings:
Special Chapter Membership Meetings may be called at any time by the President. Special Chapter Membership Meetings shall be called by the President at the written request of not less than thirty (30) members. A written notice stating the time, date, place and purpose of such special meeting shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days nor more than fifty (50) days prior to said meeting.
Fiscal Year:
The fiscal year of this Chapter shall be on a calendar year basis (i.e., January 1st through December 31st).
Each member shall pay to the Membership Secretary such dues as the Bylaws prescribe. The Membership Secretary shall make proper remittance of such dues to the Treasurer at least once each month.
Income may be derived from any legal source other than membership dues.
Financial and Record Keeping Review:
A financial and record keeping review shall be made annually in conjunction with tax preparation by a qualified reviewer as designated by the Governing Board and submitted at a regular Governing Board meeting. This action will be performed by a reviewer/auditor who has no connection or interest in the club. It shall be completed no later than September 1st of each year.
The number, type and duties of all employees shall be determined and overseen by the Personnel Committee.
The General Manager shall act as the Chief Executive of the Chapter. In the case of hiring a General Manager, the President/Vice President will work with the Personnel Committee and make a recommendation and the Governing Board must confirm and validate his/her selection prior to commitment. Any issues affecting the continuing employment of the General Manager shall be addressed by the President, and escalated to the Personnel Committee if needed. Any subsequent change of the employment status of the General Manager shall be approved by the Governing Board.
Any other Salaried employees of the Chapter shall be interviewed and selected by the President with the participation of the Personnel Committee. The Governing Board must confirm and validate the selection prior to commitment to the selected individual. All salaried employees shall promote the club and perform their duties as defined by the Board of Directors. Failure to follow the Board’s direction is cause for dismissal.
Hourly employees shall be selected by the General Manager or designee but require prior approval of the President or Personnel Committee. A background check shall be performed if deemed necessary.
The Vice President in conjunction with the Personnel Committee shall provide oversight and training to all salaried employees.
The General Manager or designee will train and supervise all hourly employees.
All matters of base pay, pay increases, benefits or other such compensation, as well as work schedules, vacation, holidays, or other such benefits for salaried employees shall be determined by a majority vote of the Governing Board upon recommendation of the Personnel Committee through the President.
Pay rates for hourly employees shall be recommended annually by the Club Manager, then submitted to the Personnel Committee for approval and taken to the Governing Board for final approval/denial.
Approved employee compensations, job descriptions or other agreements approved by the Governing Board will be documented by the Personnel Committee, and provided to the President, Secretary and Treasurer to ensure all actions are in place.
Any Chapter employee committing serious offenses may be suspended or discharged for cause by the General Manager in consultation with the Personnel Committee. The Governing Board may take removal action based upon complaints from club members.
Chapter employees shall not dictate or institute any change in policy without approval of the Personnel Committee or President.
The Personnel Committee shall be responsible to create and maintain an appropriate Employee Handbook documenting all employee policies.
Salaried employees of the Chapter may earned paid vacation as approved by the Governing Board and scheduled by the Personnel Committee. Earned vacation must be consumed by the calendar’s year end or forfeited. Vacation time may not be carried over or accumulated unless it has been approved by the Personnel Committee and Governing Board. Salaried employee’s satisfactorily continuing employment shall be eligible for paid vacation in the amounts as follow, or as recommended by the Personnel Committee and approved by the Governing Board:
1 to 3 calendar years 1 week
4 to 6 calendar years 2 weeks
7 calendar years or greater 3 weeks
Vacation pay shall be proportionate to monthly salary.
Other Benefits:
All employees of the Chapter shall be eligible to participate in chapter events (such as shooting) at the posted member rates. Participation is limited to “NON-PAID” or “BREAK TIME”. Even though employees are allowed to participate in chapter events and shooting, they are not considered members of the chapter with voting privileges unless they have actually joined and paid their membership dues. In addition, the Board of Directors has agreed to allow employees who have been employed by the club for 30 days or more to purchase ammunition and components as well as shoot at reduced rates as set by the Governing Board. They need to notify the Club Manager prior to any shooting or purchases and he/she will adjust the fees/rates to the current discount being offered. All of the discounts offered to employees are for their own PERSONAL USE ONLY. Any violations of this policy will result in the employee loosing this benefit.
These Constitutional Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Governing Board by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Governing Board members attending provided that a quorum is present at that meeting, and that the proposed amendment(s) shall have been presented in writing at the previous regular meeting of the Governing Board.
Any conflicts between this document and the Constitution and or Bylaws of the National or State organizations shall be resolved in favor of the National or State documents.
In the event that Pikes Peak Chapter #34 becomes inactive, or for any cause ceases to operate and function as a Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America, Inc., and its charter has been revoked or voluntarily surrendered, the assets of the Chapter in the process of dissolution shall be applied and distributed in accordance with Section 16 of the IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE OF AMERICA, INC., ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS –REVOCATION.
Membership Type - Initiation Fee - Annual National & State Fees - Annual Chapter Fees - Total with initiation fee - Total as renewal
INDIVIDUAL $25.00 $51.50 $123.50 $200.00 $175.00
FAMILY $25.00 $77.25 $147.75 $250.00 $225.00
STUDENT $25.00 $25.75 $49.25 $100.00 $65.00
YOUTH $00.00 $10.00 $10.00 $20.00 $20.00
Formula for Prorating New Member Dues
New memberships shall expire based on the following: If started in January through June shall end on December 31st of the current year and dues shall apply (per rules 3 and 4) for partial and full year. If started in July through December shall end on December 31st of the next calendar year and dues shall apply (per rules 3 and 4) for partial and full year. Member Dues Renewal (existing) member dues shall consist of the sum of the National, State and Chapter dues as stated in the above table. New member dues shall consist of the sum of the Initiation Fee and the prorated (if applicable) Annual National and State as well as Annual Chapter dues as specified in rules 3 and 4. For new members, the Chapter portion of the dues shall be prorated based on the number of months left in the calendar year not counting the current month. Thus, a new member joining in January shall pay 11/12 of the annual chapter rate. If joining in February, the amount due is 10/12 of the annual chapter rate. If joining in March, the amount due is 9/12 of the annual chapter rate. If joining in April, the amount due is 8/12 of the annual chapter rate. If joining in May the amount due is 7/12 of the annual chapter rate. If joining in June, the amount due is 6/12 of the annual chapter rate. If joining in July, the amount due is 5/12 of the annual chapter rate. If joining in August the amount due is 4/12 of this year’s annual chapter rate plus the next year’s entire annual chapter rate (1 + 4/12 of the annual chapter dues).If joining in September the amount due is 3/12 of this year’s annual chapter rate plus the next year’s entire annual chapter rate (1 + 3/12 of the annual chapter dues).If joining in October, the amount due is 2/12 of this year’s annual chapter rate plus the next year’s entire annual chapter rate (1 + 2/12 of the annual chapter dues).If joining in November the amount due is 1/12 of this year’s annual chapter rate plus the next year’s entire annual chapter rate (1 + 1/12 of the annual chapter dues). If joining in December, the amount due is next year’s entire annual chapter rate. For new members the State and National dues shall be prorated based on the following: If joining in January through June you will pay the annual National and State dues. If joining in July or August, you pay 1.5 times the annual National and State dues. If joining in September through December, you pay the annual National and State dues
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Vice President
Membership Secretary
Club Manager
Approval of Minutes
Officers Reports
Vice President
Club Manager
Membership Secretary
Committee Reports
Sporting Clays – 5 Stand
Old Business
New Business
Action Item List Review
Izaak Walton League of America – Members Pledge
“To strive for the purity of water,
the clarity of air,
the wise stewardship of the land and its resources;
to know the beauty and understanding of nature
and the value of wildlife,
woodlands, and open space;
to the preservation of this heritage
and to man’s sharing in it.
I pledge myself as a member of the Izaak Walton League of America”
1. Name:
a. The name of this organization shall be the “Pikes Peak Chapter #34 of the
Izaak Walton League of America, Inc.”) This organization may be referred
to later in these Bylaws as “Pikes Peak Chapter #34 or as “Chapter”.
b. The Izaak Walton League of America, Inc. may be referred to later in these
Bylaws as “National” or “League”.
c. The name of the Shooting Facility shall be “Pikes Peak Gun Club”.
d. Care shall be exercised to properly identify our organization in
2. Logo:
a. Official Logo will be the bust of Izaak Walton (for chapters) as indicated in
the National Articles of Incorporation, Section 2.
b. The Logo of Pikes Peak Gun Club shall be a picture or representation of the
Pikes Peak Mountain. Colors shall be any combination of red, white and
c. Care shall be exercised to properly portray the Izaak Walton League logo
on advertisements. The Pikes Peak logo may be used in addition to the
Izaak Walton bust logo if necessary to properly identify location.